About Us

About Us


The Crucified Way Ministry is a non-religious and interdenominational training institute established by Divine Direction to enlighten and empower the understanding of the Nature of GOD and how this understanding can translate to a balanced relationship with the Creator in the individual.

Our emphasis of operation is the human spirit: to ensure that it is sensitive to the SHEPHERD'S VOICE and dependent on HIS Revealed Word - ensuring that life is a product of the fusion of HIS Word by HIS Voice. We propagate the eternal message of Peace for and in the soul above the oppressive waste of (sexual) immorality which is powered by the voice of the enemy.

The Crucified Way Ministry - through training, lectures, and outreach platforms - advocates for a proper understanding of the functionality of words and the key roles that words play in determining life and the outcomes of life. Because the Crucified Way Ministry is not a church denomination and will not operate as one, the organisation is guided by defining statements called Vision Statements.

Vision Statements

Glorify JESUS! These statements are who we are, what we stand for, believe in and are sent to do by the Grace of GOD

Our Vision

To enlighten and empower the individual to be sensitive, dependent and totally obedient to the Shepherd’s Voice.

Our Mission

Fulfilling the Vision of enlightening the Chosen People of GOD by presenting the Divine Principles of Life, cultivating discipline to life and operating by the instructions (of the Almighty GOD) for life.

Our Purpose

Living above waste and nourishing the soul to end up peacefully in eternity. Taking personal responsibility of destiny in life, restoring Divine worship in fellowship and the benefits thereby (I John 2: 27).

Our Faith

Nothing happens without the Divine relationship of the Voice and Word, to guide into all truth—showing things to come and glorifying JESUS (John 5:30).

Our Value

Living by the revealed Word from GOD (Matthew 4:4).

Our Salvation

Making sure you are CHRIST-like (Galatians 2:20).

Our Mandate

Save A Youth by discipleship-making.

Our Expectation

Discover “who” you are, discern “what” you are, manifest “why” you are and GLORIFY JESUS.

Our Belief

We must deny ourselves, take up our cross (in HIS Cross) and follow HIM (CHRIST) - (Matthew 16:24).

Our Worship

Glorify JESUS!

Our Divine Instruction

It is GOD’s expectation that we - by this training - live by the WORD that proceeds from HIS Mouth and this starts with the individual.

Our Target

Our divine target is to the individual SOUL. This means priority is given to a personal development of the human spirit (as an individual) to hear, be sensitive, dependent and totally obedient to the Voice of the LORD.

If you are led, you can Join Us